Thursday, July 22, 1999


Plausible deniability fading

One of my favorite terms from my time with the government is "plausible deniability". It basically has to do with how you can explain why you ignored something or why you did nothing or basically why you aren't responsible.

In other words, its another term for "covering your ass" (CYA).

This post is just a friendly warning that plausible deniability (PD) is fading for most of you. You might want to look at my latest posts on my proof of FLT and save yourself from long, painful hard looks in the mirror and embarrassing attempts at explanation later. "Bu, bu, but he was just some crank!!!"
("Ounce of prevention...")

Of course, this applies only to the "pure" math folks. Practical people will have PD for quite some time yet.

(As you can see, I sort of miss all the military acronyms. Hey, I almost missed one,

"ounce of prevention" (OOP). Very useful stuff. Verdad?)

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