Thursday, July 29, 1999


JSH: Help with my proof of FLT

I've gotten only just a few reasonable emails, but they are enough for me to seriously consider getting to the task of making my proof of FLT more readable.

For anyone who approaches it before the changes, here's some points.

I talk about integer factors of imaginary numbers (I use imaginary instead of complex when I'm talking about numbers that aren't real, since complex includes reals). I was brought to task about this in an email.

However, in this case, finally I'm right. I'm using the relation u = fk.

u is an integer and f and k are imaginary. k>f, with k = rf* (f* - complex conjugate)

r must be an integer.

So, I can speak of integer factors of imaginary k's (as I do), since I'm actually talking about r.

I would strongly suggest that anyone thinking of looking at the proof would look at my post of a proof of Case 1. The Case 1 proof, while not necessary for the general proof, shows the techniques I'm using. It is also clearer since it's some of the latest that I've done and I understand things myself much better now.

In fact, as they say about Wiles' proof, I've been able to simplify things greatly from the original. I just have to get the motivation to do make the webpage as understandable (although, it is readable now, with effort).

I can also finally make a statement that I've made so many times over the past four years (and been wrong) that it has become meaningless, but I'll make it anyway.

The proof is correct.

Thanks to the people who've looked at what I have up to now.

I can put all of this out without feeling guilty because I'm convinced that this time it is correct, so it's worth the effort expended in looking it over.

Of course, being human I do err, but there's over three months of looking this thing over now, and my confidence is rising rapidly.

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